By Independent Staff Writer
Soon enough to save thousands of people from revision surgery and severe medical consequences.
When DePuy issued its recall of the ASR XL Acetabular System and the ASR Hip Resurfacing System, it claimed to be doing so because the revision rates were higher than normal. Surgeons, the company said, needed to be fully informed before making the decision to implant the devices.
Up until this point, the company had consistently blamed the surgeons for implanting the device improperly. The high revision rates were due, DePuy claimed, to surgeons placing the device at the wrong angle.
So it was somewhat surprising that DePuy should suddenly decide to recall a hip implant that it had been planning to "phase out" by the end of 2010 anyway. If the high revision rates were no fault of the company's, surely a recall was unnecessary.
And if a recall was so necessary that the device could not justifiably stay on the market for another nine months, it seems peculiar that DePuy should have waited three years before issuing the recall - considering they had data showing failure rates that were many times the usual for their ASR systems. The ASR hip resurfacing system failed at a 12% rate, over twice the accepted norm of 5%. The ASR XL Acetabular System failed at a 13% rate, topping the average of .5-3% by a hefty margin.
DePuy had the information on those failure rates in 2007. The recall wasn't issued until 2010, and until a month before the recall, the company insisted that its revision rates were equivalent to any other products' on the market.
We believe this timeline proves the company knew otherwise, and allowed the ASR device to stay on the market anyway. We believe they did so for profits: the ASR was an expensive device in both incarnations, and if DePuy had issued a recall in 2007, it would have lost out on several years' worth of device sales.
That said, these are the facts: You can deduce for yourself what DePuy knew, and when, and how despicable it was that they did nothing at all to stop their device from being implanted in thousands upon thousands of people who never suspected what a risk they were really taking.
In 2005, the FDA clears the ASR cup for use in traditional hip replacement through the 510(k) approval process. It claims the product is "substantially equivalent" to several other devices already on the market. None of the products to which the ASR product was claimed to be "substantially equivalent" had ever been clinically tested by the FDA.

(Click above to download our 510K Hierarchy Cart...)
Beginning in 2007, the Australian National Joint Replacement Registry issued seven separate reports to DePuy identifying the problems being reported by surgeons throughout the country with the ASR Hip Resurfacing System, and warning the company of unusually high failure rates.
By the beginning of 2008, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has received approximately 400 complaints about the failure of the ASR XL Acetabular total hip replacement system.
In early 2009, DePuy sends a brochure to doctors describing the importance of proper acetabular cup positioning for all hip implants. The brochure did not specifically mention the ASR as a point of concern.
In December of 2009, DePuy withdraws the ASR from the Australian market for "commercial reasons" - but does not recall the device.
In February of 2010, DePuy officials grant an interview to the New York Times in which they state that the ASR's performance is equal to that of competing devices.
In a letter dated March 6, 2010, DePuy issues a formal recall of both the ASR Hip Resurfacing System and the ASR XL Acetabular System.
In April of 2010, DePuy maintains in the New York Times that the ASR XL Acetabular System is safe, despite the recent recall.
On August 26, 2010, Johnson & Johnson announces that DePuy is issuing a worldwide recall of the ASR Hip Resurfacing System and the ASR XL Acetabular System.
DePuy clearly attempted to get the device off of the market without having to go through the loss of reputation that accompanies a formal recall. It claimed it was taking the ASR system off the Australian market because of declining sales, rather than declining success rates. It claimed to the New York Times that the device performed at equal levels to other competing hip implants, even when it could not possibly have believed that statement to be true.
And most damning at all, even after issuing a recall in the United States in March of 2010, DePuy kept selling the faulty hip implants worldwide for the next five months before extending the recall overseas.
To keep selling a device even when the company was fully aware it was risking one in every eight patients' future health is unconscionable. For the sake of every patient who received a hip implant from DePuy, and every surgeon who placed one in good faith that the product would perform well, we would like to see justice done.
If you have a DePuy hip implant and would like to join the mass action case against the company, we're here to answer your questions. Give our offices a call at 1-800-730-7607 and we'll have you talking directly to one of our lawyers in short order. It's important to us that you get the personal attention you deserve.
Soon enough to save thousands of people from revision surgery and severe medical consequences.
When DePuy issued its recall of the ASR XL Acetabular System and the ASR Hip Resurfacing System, it claimed to be doing so because the revision rates were higher than normal. Surgeons, the company said, needed to be fully informed before making the decision to implant the devices.
Up until this point, the company had consistently blamed the surgeons for implanting the device improperly. The high revision rates were due, DePuy claimed, to surgeons placing the device at the wrong angle.
So it was somewhat surprising that DePuy should suddenly decide to recall a hip implant that it had been planning to "phase out" by the end of 2010 anyway. If the high revision rates were no fault of the company's, surely a recall was unnecessary.
And if a recall was so necessary that the device could not justifiably stay on the market for another nine months, it seems peculiar that DePuy should have waited three years before issuing the recall - considering they had data showing failure rates that were many times the usual for their ASR systems. The ASR hip resurfacing system failed at a 12% rate, over twice the accepted norm of 5%. The ASR XL Acetabular System failed at a 13% rate, topping the average of .5-3% by a hefty margin.
DePuy had the information on those failure rates in 2007. The recall wasn't issued until 2010, and until a month before the recall, the company insisted that its revision rates were equivalent to any other products' on the market.
We believe this timeline proves the company knew otherwise, and allowed the ASR device to stay on the market anyway. We believe they did so for profits: the ASR was an expensive device in both incarnations, and if DePuy had issued a recall in 2007, it would have lost out on several years' worth of device sales.
That said, these are the facts: You can deduce for yourself what DePuy knew, and when, and how despicable it was that they did nothing at all to stop their device from being implanted in thousands upon thousands of people who never suspected what a risk they were really taking.
In 2005, the FDA clears the ASR cup for use in traditional hip replacement through the 510(k) approval process. It claims the product is "substantially equivalent" to several other devices already on the market. None of the products to which the ASR product was claimed to be "substantially equivalent" had ever been clinically tested by the FDA.
(Click above to download our 510K Hierarchy Cart...)
Beginning in 2007, the Australian National Joint Replacement Registry issued seven separate reports to DePuy identifying the problems being reported by surgeons throughout the country with the ASR Hip Resurfacing System, and warning the company of unusually high failure rates.
By the beginning of 2008, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has received approximately 400 complaints about the failure of the ASR XL Acetabular total hip replacement system.
In early 2009, DePuy sends a brochure to doctors describing the importance of proper acetabular cup positioning for all hip implants. The brochure did not specifically mention the ASR as a point of concern.
In December of 2009, DePuy withdraws the ASR from the Australian market for "commercial reasons" - but does not recall the device.
In February of 2010, DePuy officials grant an interview to the New York Times in which they state that the ASR's performance is equal to that of competing devices.
In a letter dated March 6, 2010, DePuy issues a formal recall of both the ASR Hip Resurfacing System and the ASR XL Acetabular System.
In April of 2010, DePuy maintains in the New York Times that the ASR XL Acetabular System is safe, despite the recent recall.
On August 26, 2010, Johnson & Johnson announces that DePuy is issuing a worldwide recall of the ASR Hip Resurfacing System and the ASR XL Acetabular System.
DePuy clearly attempted to get the device off of the market without having to go through the loss of reputation that accompanies a formal recall. It claimed it was taking the ASR system off the Australian market because of declining sales, rather than declining success rates. It claimed to the New York Times that the device performed at equal levels to other competing hip implants, even when it could not possibly have believed that statement to be true.
And most damning at all, even after issuing a recall in the United States in March of 2010, DePuy kept selling the faulty hip implants worldwide for the next five months before extending the recall overseas.
To keep selling a device even when the company was fully aware it was risking one in every eight patients' future health is unconscionable. For the sake of every patient who received a hip implant from DePuy, and every surgeon who placed one in good faith that the product would perform well, we would like to see justice done.
If you have a DePuy hip implant and would like to join the mass action case against the company, we're here to answer your questions. Give our offices a call at 1-800-730-7607 and we'll have you talking directly to one of our lawyers in short order. It's important to us that you get the personal attention you deserve.